#self routine /Routine Medical Examination Modern medical practice is now concerned more with prevention. There are 2 areas where {screening} is important: $2 $1 {cervical cytology} (women) blood pressure $1 Without doubt, early detection of {cancer} of the {cervix} is treatable & curable (detection by {pap smear}). $2 It is important to have your {blood pressure} checked regularly. Raised blood pressure can be adequately treated & can help to minimize the risk of a {stroke} or {heart attack}. A general physical examination will illustrate areas where health may be improved. This may involve changing your diet, getting more exercise, reducing {stress} & so on. However, the examination is !i! not a guarantee !n! of perfect health & may not, for example, give warning of a {heart attack} the following day!! Rather, the examination offers an overall insight into the current health of your body & may help with early detection of a serious underlying medical condition (of which you may be completely unaware). Many serious medical conditions, (e.g. {cancer}), are often completely curable if detected early. A usual medical examination may involve the following: $1 enquiry into previous illness & family illness careful examination of {lungs} with a {stethoscope} chest {X-ray} examination of the {circulatory system} {pulse} tested observation of heart (listening to heartbeat) {blood pressure} recorded {electrocardiogram} examination of abdomen examination of central nervous system examination of eyes by {retinoscopy} $1 Women will have a {pap smear}. Occasionally, a complete {psychological} profile may be taken using a series of questions; or simple memory, counting & object recognition tests. Finally, some blood samples will be taken to examine bodily functions. Sometimes, uncomfortable examinations are necessary: Examination of the {rectum}: the patient lies on their left side, with the knees bent up to the abdomen. A small hollow metal tube (called a {proctoscope}) is passed gently into the rectum. This allows the lining to be inspected for hemorrhoids or {piles}. The doctor will then insert a gloved index finger into the {rectum} to feel for {ulcers} or growths in the lower part of the {bowel}. Sometimes an instrument called a {sigmoidoscope} is used to examine higher parts of the {bowel}.